Articles on: XSplit VCam (Legacy)

Uninstalling XSplit VCam on a Mac

We'd love to hear your comments and suggestions about how we can further improve XSplit VCam. Feedback on why you are uninstalling the app is very important to us. Click the chat icon at the lower-right portion of our website to talk to our 24/7 Customer Success Team.

Uninstalling XSplit VCam on your mac system is very easy. Once uninstalled, the app will be permanently deleted and will require re-installation should you decide to use XSplit VCam on your mac again in the future.

Please follow the steps below to remove the app from your mac system:

Open Spotlight Search by pressing Command ⌘ + Spacebar.

Command ⌘ + Spacebar opens Spotlight Search in mac

Type Uninstall XSplit VCam then press Enter.

Showing the Uninstall XSplit VCam application when searched in Spotlight

Enter your password when prompted.

Showing the password entry prompt before you can successfully uninstall XSplit VCam

Alternatively, you can open Finder then press Command ⌘ + Shift ⇧ + G to show the Go to Folder window. Enter /Applications/XSplit VCam then click on Applications > XSplit VCam to access Uninstall XSplit VCam.

Updated on: 12/08/2022

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