Linking Installation to your SAML SSO Domain
XSplit's Team License Manager allows system administrators to install the application and set up direct SSO sign-in for end-users.
Once SSO is set up in Team License Manager, an end-user can log in to XSplit applications by using the SSO sign-in option in the general login dialog. But to allow the application to directly open your company's SSO authentication page, it's possible to configure XSplit applications with an SSO domain during installation.
A Domain License set up in Team License Manager's domain settings. If you haven't configured it yet, click here
A verified domain in Team License Manager's domain settings.
SSO Integration for Domain Licenses. Go to Configuring Single Sign-On (SSO) for Domain Licenses for more information.
The latest MSI installer here.
Before installing, make sure the machine meets the minimum system requirements for the application. You can check the system requirements from the XSplit Support page.
Note that installing the same version on top of an existing installation in silent mode will automatically proceed to maintenance or "Repair" mode which means custom actions applied will never be executed. In this scenario, it's best to uninstall the existing installation then do a fresh installation of the same version.
There's two ways to install the application and set up direct SSO sign-in:
[Passing domain as a parameter](#2-passing-domain-as-a-parameter) - This generates a machine license during product installation.
[Embedding domain into the installer](#2-embedding-domain-into-the-installer) - This prepares the machine license to be applied on first run of application.
The XI_DN (Domain Name) command line parameter is required when installing with direct SSO sign-in from the application.
The /L*VX “installer.log” (Installer Log File) command line parameter is optional for saving an installer log file to the same location as the installer file.
Run the command line below as administrator.
Example 1:
To silent install:
Follow the setup process until installation is complete.
Once installation is complete, a Domain Key is created in the Registry.
The DN parameter specifically supports being embedded in the installer, by appending -DN=<domain name> to the installer filename.
Example 2:

If “” is a valid domain, executing the custom named installer in the Example 2 would result in the same registry setting (Domain Key) as in Example 1 above.
If the installer is executed with the domain name in the filename and DN parameter at the same time, then the embedded DN name will be ignored.
The Domain key will let the application know that the login button should point directly to SSO login as specified in Team License Manager's domain settings. The application should send the content of the registry value when opening the login form as the domain query string.
The application should also disable the “skip login” if the application is installed as an SSO application. End-users will be required to login before they can use the application.
To verify the domain key, go to this registry key location Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\XSplit\%product name% and you should see a Domain entry there.
Updating the application will not delete the Domain Key.
Uninstalling the application will delete the Domain Key.
A user that logs in to the company's SSO authentication page from the application will automatically redeem a slot on the Team Manager's Domain Licenses. Please note that once all slots have been consumed, the next new Domain user won't be able to log in and redeem a license.

As long as you have successfully installed and verified the domain key installation, then you can install maintenance or update at any time without having to deploy the XI\_DN parameter.
Installed application using the MSI installer by defaultsets auto-update to disabled. If auto-update is enabled, then whenever the application is online, it can detect if there is a newer version available and allows the end-user to update. To learn how to install with enabled auto-update or manually enable auto-update, please click here.
Once SSO is set up in Team License Manager, an end-user can log in to XSplit applications by using the SSO sign-in option in the general login dialog. But to allow the application to directly open your company's SSO authentication page, it's possible to configure XSplit applications with an SSO domain during installation.
A Domain License set up in Team License Manager's domain settings. If you haven't configured it yet, click here
A verified domain in Team License Manager's domain settings.
SSO Integration for Domain Licenses. Go to Configuring Single Sign-On (SSO) for Domain Licenses for more information.
The latest MSI installer here.
Before installing, make sure the machine meets the minimum system requirements for the application. You can check the system requirements from the XSplit Support page.
Note that installing the same version on top of an existing installation in silent mode will automatically proceed to maintenance or "Repair" mode which means custom actions applied will never be executed. In this scenario, it's best to uninstall the existing installation then do a fresh installation of the same version.
There's two ways to install the application and set up direct SSO sign-in:
[Passing domain as a parameter](#2-passing-domain-as-a-parameter) - This generates a machine license during product installation.
[Embedding domain into the installer](#2-embedding-domain-into-the-installer) - This prepares the machine license to be applied on first run of application.
Passing domain as a parameter
The XI_DN (Domain Name) command line parameter is required when installing with direct SSO sign-in from the application.
The /L*VX “installer.log” (Installer Log File) command line parameter is optional for saving an installer log file to the same location as the installer file.
Run the command line below as administrator.
<installer filename> XI_DN=<domain name>
Example 1:
XSplit_VCam_US_2.3.2108.0302.msi /L*VX "installer.log"

To silent install:
msiexec /i XSplit_VCam_US_2.3.2108.0302.msi /qn /L*VX "installer.log"
Follow the setup process until installation is complete.
Once installation is complete, a Domain Key is created in the Registry.
Embedding domain into the installer
The DN parameter specifically supports being embedded in the installer, by appending -DN=<domain name> to the installer filename.
<installer name>-DN=<domain name>.<installer file extension>
Example 2:

If “” is a valid domain, executing the custom named installer in the Example 2 would result in the same registry setting (Domain Key) as in Example 1 above.
If the installer is executed with the domain name in the filename and DN parameter at the same time, then the embedded DN name will be ignored.
Verifying the Domain Key
The Domain key will let the application know that the login button should point directly to SSO login as specified in Team License Manager's domain settings. The application should send the content of the registry value when opening the login form as the domain query string.
The application should also disable the “skip login” if the application is installed as an SSO application. End-users will be required to login before they can use the application.
To verify the domain key, go to this registry key location Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\XSplit\%product name% and you should see a Domain entry there.
Updating the application will not delete the Domain Key.
Uninstalling the application will delete the Domain Key.
License Redemption
A user that logs in to the company's SSO authentication page from the application will automatically redeem a slot on the Team Manager's Domain Licenses. Please note that once all slots have been consumed, the next new Domain user won't be able to log in and redeem a license.

Application Maintenance
As long as you have successfully installed and verified the domain key installation, then you can install maintenance or update at any time without having to deploy the XI\_DN parameter.
Installed application using the MSI installer by defaultsets auto-update to disabled. If auto-update is enabled, then whenever the application is online, it can detect if there is a newer version available and allows the end-user to update. To learn how to install with enabled auto-update or manually enable auto-update, please click here.
Updated on: 12/08/2022
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