Articles on: Useful Tools

Generating a HijackThis log

In some cases, the Technical Support staff will request you to generate a HijackThis log. This file contains an in-depth report of your computer’s registry and file settings which the staff can use to diagnose and troubleshoot the issue you are currently having.

Click here to download HijackThis

Generating the HijackThis log

Right-click on HijackThis.exe and select Run as administrator.

Selecting Run as Administration when running Hijackthis.exe

Click on Do a system scan only.

Selecting Do a system scan only in Hijackthis's main menu

After HijackThis has finished scanning, click on Save log.

Selecting Save log after HiJackThis finishes the scan

Click the drop-down menu next to Save as type and choose All files instead of .log.

Setting the logfile type to All Files in the Save dialog box

Save the file in .txt format and browse to a folder, type in a filename then click Save.

Naming the HiJackthis file with a .txt file type

Updated on: 12/08/2022

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